Thursday, June 19, 2008

Perfect spot to build a home

Kevin and I have been round and round about where we are going to build our house on our new property. We have over two acres, and can't seem to agree on where to put it. I wanted to put the house in the middle of the property and he wanted to have it built on the side of the property under these great big shade trees. Well, after looking at the property and realizing what all we could do with the side yard if we were to put the house where Kevin wants it, we came to a compromise, we are going to build on the back part of the side yard under these great big beautiful oak trees. This should help keep the cost of the electric down in the summer and it adds for shade comfort when we will be sitting on the porch of the new house. We can use the rest of the property in the front and on the side for fruit trees and a garden. I am so ready for my new house. I can't wait. We actually have an appointment with a builder on Saturday, to go over costs and plans. This should make for an intresting day!

Big Beautiful Oak trees where the house will be