Thursday, April 23, 2009

Giving thanks to God above

I want to take a moment to tell God how truly thankful I am for everything I have. I have been reading some of the saddest blogs lately about children being sick, where some make it and some don't. I just want to thank you Jesus, for giving me the gift of my child, and for giving my child the gift of health. I feel like I take advantage of the fact that my little part of the world is perfect, when in fact something could happen at any given time to change this. I thank you Jesus for letting me have all I have and for watching over me and my family, not only for our safety but for our health as well. I just feel so blessed that I have all that I have, and I know that I wouldn't have any of this without his will. I also pray for the families and the children of these blogs stories, I pray that you give them strength and courage to get through what I am sure must be the most trying time of their lives, and I ask Lord Jesus, that if you will please touch these precious babies and give them your name I pray Lord Jesus..amen..